Wednesday, April 19, 2017

His Truth Goes Marching On: April 20, 2017

Hi everyone,
We will be discussing John Brown and his decision to attack Harper's Ferry in class in Thursday and Friday.  If you are not here because you are making your way to exciting vacation destinations, you can download and complete the handouts linked below.

You do not need to complete the whole packet. Please focus on the following:

  • Print out pages 3 through 9 (the historical sources) of the John Brown TEXT.
  • Complete pgs 1 - 4 of the John Brown HANDOUT (part where you write down answers) and bring that back to CMS with you after the break.

John Brown Readings

John Brown worksheets

If you will be gone on MONDAY after break, please check back here, because I will post info about the ESSAY that we are working toward!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Tax Day and other fun! April 18, 2017

Hi everyone,
Today in class, you either worked on your Causes of the Civil War map or reviewed your packet o' rigor and checked your answers.

HOMEWORK: For Thursday, you will be completing a reading and questions on Dred Scott and the court case that bears his name.  The readings are available in my room.  They are broken down by the class you signed up to take next year.

Monday, April 17, 2017

And We're Back: April 17, 2017

Hi everyone,
Today in class, we had a presentation (non-Social Studies related) and we did not cover any new info.  Tomorrow, your Big Packet O' Rigor is due!  Please come to class with these completed!  These will be counted as a Habits of Learning grade, and you will NOT get credit for late work.  See previous post for links to materials if you don't know what I am talking about, or you lost yours.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Info for the week of 4/10-4/14

Hi everyone!
We are enjoying the thrill that is standardized testing this week, so things are a little different.  Here is what you need to know:

1) You meet in your testing groups every day for per 1, 2, and 3 (usually an off-team class).
2) At the end of testing, you go to team time and then lunch.
3) After lunch, you go to your PERIOD THREE class during the period 5 block.
4) You go back on team as follows for per 6 & 7:  Monday - Per 1 & 2; Tuesday - Per 5 & 6, Wednesday - per 7, followed by a pizza lunch; Thursday and Friday - Pi Day math games and Pi eating contest.
5) Go to your usual per 8 class.

WORK EXPECTATIONS:  Please come to testing every day with something to read or something to work on quietly at your desk.

You have a packet of questions to answer for Social Studies that is due next Tuesday.

You get ONE of each handout ON ME.  If you lose it, download another copy.

Here are the sources.

Answer packet to fill in.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Catching Up: April 4, 2017

Hi everyone,
We interrupted this regularly scheduled education to bring you some ropes course climbing!  We are almost done and ready to move on...

Tomorrow, anyone who did not get a chance to climb will come outside with me and Mr. Irving and our classes to do the giant swing.  Please come ready for the weather!

On Thursday and Friday, we are resuming all our regularly scheduled classes.  I look forward to it!  We will be wrapping up our discussion of Manifest Destiny prior to beginning our work on the causes of the Civil War.