Friday, May 26, 2017

Later Phase of the War: May 26, 2017

Hi everyone,
This week, we have spent time learning about the major battles and significant content knowledge related to the later phase of the Civil War.  If you were not here because you were gallivanting around French-speaking Canada, or just absent, here are some links for you:

Slideshow on Later Civil War

Guided notes handout on Later Civil War

Make sure you LOOK AT THE GUIDING QUESTIONS on the notes handout and use those to help you figure out what info you need to write down!!!

If you were not here on THURSDAY, we took Check In #2 on the Early Phase of the war.  Also, make sure you have completed the Later Battles Chart and the Gettysburg Address handout.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Wrap Up the Early Phase: May 22, 2017

Hi everyone,
Per 1 & 2 started working on the battles of the later Civil War chart today.  Per 5, 6, and 7 created review guides for the early phase of the war (unless you were not done with your required formative assessment, in which case you had to work on that).

HOMEWORK:  Tomorrow, you will have your first check-in on content knowledge related to the Civil War.  You will need to know the following:

1. Federation vs. confederation - how does each one share power between the central government and the states?  Which side had which kind of government?

2.  Advantages of each side - when given a description, be able to identify if it is an advantage of the Union or the Confederacy.

3.  Strategies of each side - the strategies used will be described.  Be able to identify if it is the Union strategy or the Confederate strategy, and what its name is.

If you don't know #2 and #3, check out the lecture slideshow on May 11th.  Happy studying!

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Moving On: May 18, 2017

Hi there,
Per 1 and 2 only had class today.  You are working on a formative assessment, explaining the importance of the Battle of Antietam and why it was a turning point in the war.  We started our work in class and you will finish the assignment at home.

Antietam Formative Assessment

Battle of Antietam Reading - middle level

Battle of Antietam Reading - harder level

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Early Phase of the War: May 11, 2017

Hi everyone,
If you were not in class, or if you missed any part of the lecture today, the presentation is linked here.  If you need the handout again, it is here.

HOMEWORK: Keep working on your essay!  Email/share paragraphs with me if you have questions!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Citing Sources for Your Essay

Hi everyone,

Part of your essay grade is setting up your essay as directed, in MLA format.  This means the top of your essay will look like this:

Your name
My name
US History per. ___
May 15, 2017    [----> This should NOT be in number format (5/15/17)]

Your essay should be:

  • Double spaced
  • In simple, 12 point font
  • Indented at the beginning of each paragraph, NOT with extra spaced
  • Set up with your last name and page number in the TOP RIGHT HAND CORNER
  • Set with 1" margins, top and bottom (default)

You will need to cite your sources in your essay.  You do NOT need to do a Works Cited.  However, I do expect you to tell me where you found your direct quotes and specific facts (statistics, detailed statements, etc.).  You will do this in the body of the essay:

For a DBQ document - Name it in the sentence and add (Doc X) at the end.  It will look like this:

  • For example, "The Value of American Trade" chart shows that in 1765,... (Doc A).
  • As Janet Schaw wrote in 1775, "blah blah blah," (Doc F).

For a reading - Name it in the sentence before you give the quote or specific detail, or put it in parentheses at the end of the sentence. It will look like this:
  • George Washington "worked seventeen hours a day without complaint" ("Our First President").
  • According to "Our First President," George Washington "worked seventeen hours a day without complaint".

Monday, May 8, 2017

Essay Turn-In

If you are turning in your essay electronically, please do so HERE.

More Civil War: May 8, 2017

Hi everyone,

Today in class, you finished your formative assessment on the early battles of the Civil War. Many of you began the border states assignment as well.  We are making progress!

HOMEWORK:  Please come to class tomorrow with your introductory paragraph drafted. You can use the optional introduction builder I gave you in class, or you can write it out on paper, or you can type it into a Google Doc.  I will ask you to show me your intros at the beginning of class tomorrow!

Introduction builder

Thursday, May 4, 2017

War, Terrible War: May the Fourth (Be With You...)

Hi everyone,
Our study of the Civil War is now underway!  Periods 1, 2, and 5 began reviewing the first major battles of the war yesterday.  Per 6 and 7 will begin that today.  Then, you are completing a formative assessment assignment showing me what you understand.

Work on your essays is continuing as well.  I am checking and returning your topic sentence planners to make sure you have accurate statements based on evidence.

HOMEWORK:  You need to draft a thesis statement to submit tomorrow for me to check and approve over the weekend.

If you did not complete the homework assignment to generate your topic sentences, you still need to try to write a thesis statement.  I have attached a handout that includes sample thesis statements for historical essays. You can use this as a guide.  Be sure to have your prompt handy so you can use it for ideas!

PERIODS 6 AND 7 - you may wait until this weekend to do the homework, when you have your handout on your topic sentences back.

Causes of the Civil War Thesis Statement handout

Monday, May 1, 2017

I Say, You Say, Essay!!! MAY FIRST, 2017

Happy May Day, everyone! In England, we would have stayed up all night to welcome in the beginning of spring and hung May baskets on the doors of people we liked.  Well, I didn't see any posies on my door this morning, so I guess I know where I stand with all of you...but then again, I kind of deserve it, since today I assigned YOUR GREAT BIG CAUSES OF THE CIVIL WAR ESSAY!!!!!!!!!! Yup, here it is - the summative you've all been waiting for (or not)!

In class, we walked through a truckload of handouts and information about this essay.  I will try to give you the quick recap here, along with links to the documents.

1) Here is the essay prompt. Choose the prompt that aligns with the level of World History course you are taking next year.

2) Here is the essay rubric.  Please feel free to check in with me about any elements you do not understand.  You have been graded on all these standards at least once already this year, so you will use this essay to show me what you have learned!

3) Here is a timeline of events. We've talked about a lot of events and how they led to the increasing tension between the pro- and anti-slavery forces in the US.  This will help you put them in time order.

4) Here are the answers to the "rigor packet". If you did not get a chance to correct your packet in class, make sure you look these over.

5) Here is the CP/Honors homework. It is due WEDS for per 1, 2, 5 and THURS for per 6 & 7.

6) Here is the Academic level homework. Same due date as above.

7) Here is the "DIY" option contract. Please be sure to get this signed and turned in on Thursday if you want to pursue this option!!!