Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Back on Track: February 3, 2015

Hi everyone!  It's been a wild couple of weeks, with viruses running amok through the crowd and, of course, epic amounts of SNOW.  We are WAY behind, and I'm hoping that we will be able to pick up where we left off, wrap up our work with the Constitution quickly, and move ON.

Today in class, I collected missing assignments (Scavenger Hunt, Ch 8 Sec 3 notes, and EHS Recommendation Requests).  If ANY of those are missing, PLEASE get them done for tomorrow!!!  I also announced that we are having a quiz on Friday on some key vocab terms and concepts related to government and the Constitution.  Please make sure you review those and are ready!!!

Also, I touched briefly on your note-taking skills in class.  Many of you showed me that you can take notes in a way that shows sense - you used headers and sub headers, organized your work with bullet lists, highlighting, and so forth, and otherwise demonstrated your ability to gather information in a way that makes logical sense.  However, many of you just wrote random lists of ideas that are NOT helpful to you, so we need to work on this.

HOMEWORK:  Unless you were told you did not have to do this assignment, you need to REVISE your chapter 8, sec 3 notes (or do them for the first time), using one of the methods of note-taking from the handout I gave you (but NOT the sentence method).

Chapter 8, Section 3

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