Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Materials to Review: Quiz on Monday, 6/1

Here is the link to the lecture PowerPoint with seat chats.  If you need a hard copy, print it off in "Notes" format.  You need to know:

  • The goals of each side
  • The meaning of "limited war" for each side
  • The strategies each side followed
  • The outcomes of this stage of the war

Here is the link to the "Cheat Sheet" on the five key events and vocab terms associated with the Pre-Civil War era.

Here is a link to the Quizlet with the exact terms you need to know for the quiz.

Here is a link to information about the Battle of Antietam.  If you don't have the handout we did in class, and can't get one from a friend, then use this to refresh your memory.

Here is a link to information about the Emancipation Proclamation.  If you don't have the handout we did in class, and can't get the information from a friend, then use this to refresh your memory.

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