Monday, May 23, 2016

Shots Fired - And the Civil War Begins! May 23, 2016

Hi everyone,
Today, we shifted our focus from the events that led up to the Civil War to the Civil War itself!  First, we reviewed a critical concept necessary to understand the differences between the Union (United States) and Confederacy (Southern states).  Then we started looking at some of the underlying differences between the two sides.

** IF YOU WERE ABSENT TODAY - Please make sure you get the yellow class participation sheet that was handed out today.  Review with a friend who was present in class and get the information you need.

The review question we used to begin class is a five-point FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT.  You will not get credit for a first-round attempt, but we are going to revisit this question on THURSDAY at the beginning of class.

The question we answered today is, "What is the difference between a federation and a confederation?" Your answer needed to include the words "power," "central government" and "states" or "state government".

If you do not remember the differences and need a refresher, the terms "central government," "federation," and "confederation" are all reviewed in this Quizlet set.


** The question came up, can Montreal travelers wait and submit their essays electronically from the road?  The answer is yes, HOWEVER, if I do not receive your essay on Wednesday (regardless of when you sent it), it is late, and you will not have time to revise for a higher grade.  I strongly encourage you to finish the essay and submit it before you leave.

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