Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Quick Recap: June 7, 2016

Hey everyone, we have a test tomorrow, in case you forgot!

Here is what you need to know:

Vocab - be familiar with the terms on the Quizlet that were written on the board.  Be able to use them in a fill-in-the-blank section.

Major Battles - Be able to match descriptions with names.  There are five key battles and the name of the event that began the war.

Multiple Choice - Be able to recognize the answers to the guiding questions we used to take our notes.  Be familiar with the different phases of the war, the different strategies and goals, different leaders of each side (one key person per side), the "turning point" moments of the war, why the South lost, how the war affected each side. I suggest reviewing the PPTs with audio commentary - see instructions on how to download them on yesterday's post.

Identification - be able to recognize different statements as describing the Confederacy or Union.

Extension - there are three questions to answer for extension credit if you want to try to earn an E.

You are almost there!  Good luck!!!

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