Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Back In the Swing of Things: October 28, 2014

Hi everyone!  I was out yesterday, and you got to watch an exciting video in lieu of your usual thinking and learning in Social Studies.  I hope you enjoyed the break, because we are back into the groove and a LOT of new stuff is coming our way.  Hold on…

First, many of you are getting your Impressions of America assignments back.  If you are dissatisfied with your grades, you CAN revise it … HOWEVER … your second round doesn't get looked at until everyone else gets a first round.  If I have to submit a change of grade form after the report cards go home, so be it.

Second, we are heading into a MAJOR ESSAY which will be our first major assessment grades for second quarter.  You will want to make sure you stay up to date on your class work and are aware of what is going on, so you do not fall behind.

Today, we continued (and per 1 began) looking at the small-group tasks associated with the Declaration.  You get to pick and choose which tasks you do in what order.

HOMEWORK:  You need to complete the STUDENT SELF-EVALUATION handed out in class.  Keep in mind that this is for ALL your classes, and not just Social Studies, so please make sure you are thinking of your entire Q1 experience when you respond.  Also, we will be using these surveys as a way to communicate with parents/guardians and other teachers, so please fill these out and be specific - name your classes when that is appropriate.  For example, when it says to name projects or assignments you did well on, name the class AND the assignment (English short story analysis, Music original composition) so we don't have to guess what you're talking about.  We appreciate that!

Also, this document is NOT one I made up, so you have to get an original from me and NOT LOSE IT.  I don't have copies of it here.  I will see if I can get one, but no guarantees.

Finally, if you put a bunch of one-word answers, you'll be staying with me at team time to make it more useful and thorough, so use full ideas and explain yourself the first time.

Happy Tuesday!

And here's Garrett sharing England's view of the colonies during this very important time period:

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