Friday, October 3, 2014

Reading Between the Questions: October 3, 2014

Today, we spent our second and last day reading, reviewing, and reflecting upon the textbook section on the French and Indian War to answer our self-generated questions.  One thing a lot of you have discovered is that the textbook doesn't answer all your questions - NOR SHOULD IT.  If you are REALLY thinking and REALLY inquiring and REALLY learning, your questions are going to be far more wide-ranging, interesting, and complex than any one source can answer.

I'm very pleased with the "lightbulb" moments I saw a lot of you reach.  More than once, I overheard someone say, "Oh!  That answers the question we had right here," or, "Hey, wait, we asked a question about that."  Let me tell you, every teacher LIVES for those moments!!!

HOMEWORK:  You have a very brief reading to read and a chart to complete to wrap up our discussion of the F&I War.

If you lost your copy, here is a link to the reading.

You also need a copy of the chart that goes with it.

I'll leave you with a video clip of Emma and Hannah demonstrating the power of deep and insightful reading:

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