Sunday, November 30, 2014

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Quarter: Test Time!!! December 1, 2014

My goodness, THAT holiday weekend flew by, didn't it???  Here's a little joke for ya:

(Please ignore the lack of apostrophe in the word "here's," denoting a contraction.  The interwebs has plenty of funny, but not so much grammatical correctness!)

Today, all my classes wrapped up our study of the Revolutionary War with a review of what made it possible for such a weak, small, underfunded military force as the Continental Army to defeat a much larger and more powerful military.  Now we are heading into our review for the test you're going to have on content knowledge this Thursday or Friday.

HOMEWORK:  Your homework for the week is to study for your test.  You are getting a handout in class that will list several ways you can prepare, using either "old school" methods or web-based tools.  Your job is to study at least THREE times, for twenty minutes at a time.  If you were not here on the day before Thanksgiving break, your first study session can be to go through your packet and correct your work.

I have made some web-based study guides for you.  They were made on Quizlet, which will allow you to study in several different ways.  Try more than one!!!

Miscellaneous Key Terms - Quizlet
Key People - Quizlet
Rev War Battles - Quizlet

Please note, this is NOT the only information that will be on the test!

Here is a copy of the study options and study session tracker if you lost yours.

If you were NOT in class last Tuesday, and did NOT get a handout to correct your packet, there is link to the correction key on last Tuesday's blog post.

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