Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Rending Order from Chaos, I Hope: November 5, 2014

Well, we've reached that point in the essay process - the point where we're transitioning from "we're writing an essay and here's what it's going to be about," to, "now it's time to get your ideas down so we can see if you're ready to write the essay."  I always - ALWAYS - think I'm going to break the process down into such concrete, specific steps that everyone will be able to move through the essay together at the same pace, and I am always - ALWAYS - wrong.  Why?  Because writing an essay reflects your personal knowledge and understanding, and that means it's a reflection of you.  With 116 or so of you, there is no WAY all of you are going to be in the same point in the process at the same time.  So I am learning to embrace it and just muddle through.

So where are we?  Well, per 1 & 2 students, almost all of you have had your thesis statements approved.  I need to check in with you about your topic sentences, and you need to find specific evidence for each body paragraph.

Per 5 & 6, you guys worked on thesis statements, and per 6 got to the point where you can start drafting topic sentences.  I want to see topic sentences and thesis statements from you guys soon.

Per 7, you built some model thesis statements today.  Tomorrow I want to see drafts of your thesis statements and topic sentences for approval.

HOMEWORK:  It depends upon which class you are in.
Per 1 & 2 - finish the evidence sheet for TWO of your body paragraphs, putting the info on the green organizer.

Per 5 - fill out draft topic sentences on your green sheets.

Per 6 & 7 - finish drafting a thesis statement if you haven't already, and draft your topic sentences.

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