Tuesday, November 3, 2015

End of an Era: November 3, 2015

Today in class, I introduced the concept of salutary neglect and how it affected the colonies.  It's hard to imagine that neglect can sometimes be a good thing, but as far as the colonies were concerned, they liked it that way and were not happy when England decided to change things!  We will start looking at how that affected relations between the colonies and their mother country tomorrow.

HOMEWORK:  You are going to create a sample Works Cited page to practice these skills and make sure you know what you're doing before the big essay comes down the pike!

The Works Cited is due Thursday.  Please use the following to help you complete it:

Citing Sources Homework Assignment

Works Cited Cheat Sheet

Ch 5 Sec 3 - textbook

Go to YouTube and search "keith hughes" and "French and Indian War" - cite this video.

Run a search for "French and Indian War timeline".  Choose one of these sites and cite it as a website.

If you are truly stuck and the instructions don't help you, try these:

How to use EasyBib:

Much longer version:


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