Tuesday, November 10, 2015

George Vs. Paul: November 10, 2015

Happy Veterans' Day Eve!  In case you forgot, we do NOT have school tomorrow - make sure you don't show up at your bus stop, because no one will come pick you up!

In class yesterday and today, we started class with an activity and ended with some time to work on your CHAPTER SIX OUTLINES.

Yesterday, we did some work on the concept of "Taxation without representation is tyranny".  In our simulation "The King's M&Ms," you experienced the phenomenon of taxation without representation. I gave you a writing challenge to explain what that statement meant and why the colonists felt that way, but there was a twist: You had to use the words although, unless, if, and because somewhere in your response.  These terms represent conditional thinking - in other words, they show that you understand why things occur the way that they do.

Today in class, we examined two pieces of artwork from the 1750's and 1760's to see how they present two very different people. We looked at a portrait titled King George III in Coronation Robes:

And we looked at the John Singleton Copley portrait of Paul Revere:

These two portraits have very important, and very different, messages about the values and structure of British vs. colonial society.  You did a nice job in class today of analyzing those differences.

HOMEWORK:  YOU NEED TO FINISH YOUR CH 6 OUTLINE.  If you did not sign out a textbook, I linked the sections on Monday's blog post.

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