Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Inciting Incident: November 30, 2016

Hi everyone,
Today in class, we began examining the inciting incident that led to the chain of events that culminated in the conflict of the Revolutionary War.  We are reviewing primary and secondary sources to see what we can learn about this event!  If you were not in class, we will catch you up tomorrow.

HOMEWORK:  Please complete this worksheet tonight.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Conflict Begins: November 29, 2016

Hi everyone,
Today in class, we wrapped up our work with the Backcountry and introduced some of the concepts we will be discussing, including "inciting incident," "chain of events," and "conflict".

HOMEWORK:  Per 1, 2, 5 - none; per 6 & 7 - complete the chain of events flow chart. It should start with an inciting incident and end with a conflict.  You can use something from your own life, something you've observed, or an historical event you know.  Please don't use a movie, because movies often make the inciting incident too obvious.

TEXT MAPPING: If you were absent for text mapping, please do the following:

1) Finish text mapping your reading.  The instruction are here. Show me the completed text map.

2) Review yesterday's homework assignment. Choose one paragraph topic to complete. You can submit it by Thursday.

Monday, November 28, 2016

And We're Back: November 28, 2016

Well, those five days passed by quickly, didn't they?  Welcome back!  The days are getting really short and the chill is setting in, and that can mean only one thing:  IT'S TIME FOR THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR!!!  Okay, maybe it doesn't mean that to YOU, but it means that to ME. From here on, everything we do in class is going to help us focus on the Causes of the Revolutionary War essay, and that includes today's classwork...

Today in class, we finished textmapping Section 4 of Ch 4, our reading on the Backcountry.  This region was very different from the other three regions, and it will play an important role in the Revolutionary War - but we haven't gotten there quite yet.  In class, you were expected to finish your textmapping and annotate your key points (this means mark them in the margins) with your W words - who, what, when, where, why, how.  This will help you when you get to your homework.

HOMEWORK:  Using your textmapping assignment for information, write a one-paragraph response to ONE of the following prompts:

What qualities made the Backcountry a unique region?
- OR -
Was the Backcountry more like or unlike the region you studied?

You may submit this in hard copy or through Google Classroom.  Please do NOT share it directly with me!

Monday, November 21, 2016

The Day Before the Day Before Break! November 21, 2016

Hi everyone,
Today, we did some text mapping again, this time with a section of our grade level textbook.  I think you will find this reading strategy more and more useful as you get used to it, and as you start making it your own.  We are reading about the fourth region of the colonies, the Backcountry. This is a unique region of the colonies, one that still holds onto some of the patterns of living established in colonial times.

HOMEWORK:  NONE.  If you owe me a brochure, you will be working on it tomorrow during movie time.  If you owe any of us any major assignments, expect to be busy!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Last Day for Brochures: November 18, 2016

Hi everyone,

Before the end of class, please complete the following form:  Brochure Work Completion Survey

I am checking all the Google Classrooms for my five class periods by the end of the school day today (Friday).  Anyone whose work is NOT shared to my Classroom by the end of the day WILL receive an "X" (No Work Submitted) for the SUMMATIVE assessment, and a 0 for the Works Cited FORMATIVE assessment.  This will not mean you won't get graded - it is to show that I have not seen it yet!

You have had plenty of time to get this assignment done in class, so now you need to finish this on your time.  Please get it done ASAP.

Last Day for Brochures: November 18, 2016

Hi everyone,

Before the end of class, please complete the following form:  Brochure Work Completion Survey

I am checking all the Google Classrooms for my five class periods by the end of the school day today (Friday).  Anyone whose work is NOT shared to my Classroom by the end of the day WILL receive an "X" (No Work Submitted) for the SUMMATIVE assessment, and a 0 for the Works Cited FORMATIVE assessment.  This will not mean you won't get graded - it is to show that I have not seen it yet!

You have had plenty of time to get this assignment done in class, so now you need to finish this on your time.  Please get it done ASAP.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Works Cited and Other Excitement: November 16, 2016

Hi everyone,
Today in class, we worked on our Works Cited to make sure that you know how to cite photographs and digital images properly.  This is only a formative assessment right now, but you will need to complete an EasyBib for a summative assessment later this year.

Here is a properly formatted Works Cited for your review.
If you don't know what a correct Works Cited page looks like, here is an example.

Yesterday, we looked at a number of brochures to identify what good brochures have in common. If you don't remember or weren't in attendance, look at yesterday's blog post for information about what a brochure should have in it.

Monday, November 14, 2016

What Is a Good Brochure, Anyway? November 15, 2016

Hey everyone,
Today, we looked at brochures to figure out what makes a brochure interesting and effective.  If you want some review or additional ideas, here are some links:

Elements of Effective Brochure Design

Brochure Design

Remember, you are trying to "sell" your region of the colonies to people who would benefit from living there.  Think about what makes sense. For example, inviting farmers to live in New England, where there was not much large-scale farming, does not make sense.

HOMEWORK: Keep working on your brochure!  Check the team calendar for ideas about what to do, or check the lists below.

What kind of information do we find in brochures?

  • Schedules, timetables, calendars
  • Map/directions, location
  • Special events
  • Short descriptions of history/background
  • Important dates
How do brochures catch our attention?
  • Big font, eye-catching titles, bright colors
  • Use of superlatives (biggest, tallest, most, best)
  • Pictures of people having fun
  • Pictures of pretty landscapes 
  • Bold headers
  • Catchy phrases and slogans (fun for the whole family!!!)

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Time to Write: November 14, 2016

Hi everyone,
You have had several days to get some background information gathered about your region of the colonies.  Now we are going to start discussing what you need to do with that information.

GOAL:  Your goal is to create a successful marketing campaign (brochure) that will attract the right kind of colonists to your region.  The "right kind" are those who would feel most at home and be most successful in that region.

ROLE:  You are a marketing expert who understands how to present facts in the best possible way to make your product the most appealing it can be!

AUDIENCE:  Your audience is people living outside the 13 colonies in the first half of the 1700's.

SITUATION:  In this case, if people don't move to these colonies, the colonies do not grow and they do not do the mother country any good.  More people = more growth = more success!

PRODUCT:  A brochure that reflects your knowledge of this colonial region in a way that makes that region sound attractive and appealing!

Here is the rubric

HOMEWORK:  Your completed brochure is due on FRIDAY.  You should have your background notes done, or nearly done, TODAY.  Expect to spend approximately 20 minutes-1/2 hour per night on this assignment to make it your best possible work!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Time for Your Input! November 9, 2016

High quality work descriptive writing

Hi everyone,
I want to know what you think!!  Give me some insight into how I should grade you, and I will include your ideas in the rubric.

Don't forget, you have your LAST mini-summative for Hail to the Chief TOMORROW.

Here is a link to a Quizlet deck to help you study.

If you did not get a chance to look up these terms, be sure to review these. Thanks!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Colonial Development Brochure: November 7, 2016

Hi everyone,
Today, we begin looking forward to our Colonial Development unit. We are not quite done with the Hail to the Chief Unit, but we will wrap that up with a vocab mini-assessment on THURSDAY.  I hope you did well on your Electoral College mini-assessment last Friday!


Colonial Regions Notes Template - make a copy and save it to your drive!

Colonial Region Brochure Master Copy - make a copy and save it to your drive!


This has some good miscellaneous information:

These sources are more advanced: - Southern colonies - Middle colonies - New England colonies

NATIVE AMERICAN MAPS - A little easier

HOMEWORK:  Please have all your vocabulary terms for the Hail to the Chief unit defined for WEDNESDAY.

Colonial Development Brochure: November 7, 2016

Hi everyone,
Today, we begin looking forward to our Colonial Development unit. We are not quite done with the Hail to the Chief Unit, but we will wrap that up with a vocab mini-assessment on THURSDAY.  I hope you did well on your Electoral College mini-assessment last Friday!


Colonial Regions Notes Template - make a copy and save it to your drive!

Colonial Region Brochure Master Copy - make a copy and save it to your drive!


These sources are more advanced: - Southern colonies - Middle colonies - New England colonies

NATIVE AMERICAN MAPS - A little easier

HOMEWORK:  Please have all your vocabulary terms for the Hail to the Chief unit defined for WEDNESDAY.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Yea or Nay, Electoral College: NOVEMBER 2, 2016

Hi everyone,
I hope you are all back to normal, after a night of trick or treating and a couple of days of feasting on the aftermath!  I was not here yesterday, so you had a work day.  Tomorrow, we will review our knowledge of the Electoral College and then have a short assessment on it on Friday.

If you are not sure what you should know, here are some basics:
1. Why did the Founders set up an Electoral College system?
2. Why not allow people to vote for President directly?
3. How does the Electoral College system pick the President?
4. How many electors does each state get in the Electoral College? How is that decided?
(Bonus) what are some of the positive and negative aspects of using an Electoral College system?

Here is the article you read in class.

I can't link the Electoral Process packet you got in class, so you will need to get a new copy from me if you lost it.

HOMEWORK:  Review review review!!!