Well, those five days passed by quickly, didn't they? Welcome back! The days are getting really short and the chill is setting in, and that can mean only one thing: IT'S TIME FOR THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR!!! Okay, maybe it doesn't mean that to YOU, but it means that to ME. From here on, everything we do in class is going to help us focus on the Causes of the Revolutionary War essay, and that includes today's classwork...
Today in class, we finished textmapping Section 4 of Ch 4, our reading on the Backcountry. This region was very different from the other three regions, and it will play an important role in the Revolutionary War - but we haven't gotten there quite yet. In class, you were expected to finish your textmapping and annotate your key points (this means mark them in the margins) with your W words - who, what, when, where, why, how. This will help you when you get to your homework.
HOMEWORK: Using your textmapping assignment for information, write a one-paragraph response to ONE of the following prompts:
What qualities made the Backcountry a unique region?
- OR -
Was the Backcountry more like or unlike the region you studied?
You may submit this in hard copy or through Google Classroom. Please do NOT share it directly with me!
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