Monday, December 12, 2016

Britain vs. Colonists, Round 2: December 12, 2016

Hi everyone, and happy First Day of School Affected By Snow for 2016-17!

I hope you all made it in safely today!

Today in class, I reviewed how we are going to cover the remaining events leading up to the Revolutionary War.  There are a lot of famous events coming up, such as the Boston Massacre and the midnight ride of Paul Revere.  However, I do not want to spend a lot of time in class going over each important event step by step.  I want to spend that time helping you prepare for and draft your essay on the causes of the Revolution.  So the watchword for this week is, YOYO. This stands for "You're On Your Own" - in this case, you are on your own to do some reading and other work around the events between 1763 and 1776, and we will use class time to analyze primary sources; identify the skills you currently are developing in English class, and how those relate to a social studies essay; and draft critical elements of that essay (thesis statements, topic sentences, etc.).

HOMEWORK: Your homework for tonight and tomorrow night is to read and take notes on Ch. 6, Sec. 2.  You can use one of THREE methods for note-taking:  Textmapping, teacher-generated outline, or note-taking method of your choice.  The only method you CANNOT use is just to make a bullet list of what you think is important in the reading.  You need to have some kind of structure.

Directions for reading and note-taking

Ch 6, Sec 2 reading

Teacher-generated outline (for those who choose)

If you would like to take notes, but don't know what format you'd like to use, here are some links to different ideas:

Formal Outline Notes setup

Another example of formal outline notes, with variations

How to Take Two-Column Notes

If you are interested in Cornell Notes, it is a more detailed version of two-column notes:

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