Tuesday, May 31, 2016

"Battle oh horrid battle": May 31, 2016

If you were in class today, you watched a video on the Battle of Antietam. It was a critical turning point in the Civil War in several ways.

HOMEWORK:  Using the notes you took in class, and/or the resources shared below, complete the handout identifying how Antietam was a turning point battle.


Ducksters Antietam for Students

Photography and Antietam

Emancipation Proclamation

Reaction to Emancipation - just read about the first part.

How the war affected ordinary Americans (more difficult reading level)

Impact of Civil War photography on opinion (also more difficult)

Thursday, May 26, 2016

While You Were Out: May 25 and 26

Hi everyone,
Yesterday in class, we completed the notes in your flipnote study booklets.  If you were not here, I have attached the PowerPoint so you can complete the booklet or review and check your notes against whatever your friend wrote down.

Early Civil War PowerPoint

Today, we rechecked our understanding of federation and confederation. If you were not here for that, I will do a final retake next Wednesday during Team Time. If you still need to review those concepts, please look at the link posted on May 23rd.

After that, we worked on a map and reading with questions.  They are linked below.  If you were away, please print them out and complete them ASAP.

US Map
Border States Map Directions and Reading

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Final Words: May 24, 2016

Here are a few key reminders:

Your essay is due tomorrow.

If it is not submitted tomorrow, either electronically or in print form, you will receive grades of "No Evidence Submitted" until your essay is turned in.

If your essay is turned in after Wednesday (and that means at 12:00:00.01 am on Thursday), you will be graded without penalty, but you will not be allowed to revise and resubmit your work.

If your essay is going to be late anyway, you are better off taking the time you need to do it well than rushing to get it done, because you will only get one shot.

If you try to submit your essay from the road and it fails to send, it is late and the one-time-only policy holds.

I prefer that you hand in printed copies of your essays, but will accept electronic copies.

If you have any questions, please review the past few blog posts before you email me questions, please.

If I don't get an essay from you by Wednesday, June 1st, I will contact home.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Shots Fired - And the Civil War Begins! May 23, 2016

Hi everyone,
Today, we shifted our focus from the events that led up to the Civil War to the Civil War itself!  First, we reviewed a critical concept necessary to understand the differences between the Union (United States) and Confederacy (Southern states).  Then we started looking at some of the underlying differences between the two sides.

** IF YOU WERE ABSENT TODAY - Please make sure you get the yellow class participation sheet that was handed out today.  Review with a friend who was present in class and get the information you need.

The review question we used to begin class is a five-point FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT.  You will not get credit for a first-round attempt, but we are going to revisit this question on THURSDAY at the beginning of class.

The question we answered today is, "What is the difference between a federation and a confederation?" Your answer needed to include the words "power," "central government" and "states" or "state government".

If you do not remember the differences and need a refresher, the terms "central government," "federation," and "confederation" are all reviewed in this Quizlet set.


** The question came up, can Montreal travelers wait and submit their essays electronically from the road?  The answer is yes, HOWEVER, if I do not receive your essay on Wednesday (regardless of when you sent it), it is late, and you will not have time to revise for a higher grade.  I strongly encourage you to finish the essay and submit it before you leave.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Building the Body of the Essay: May 20, 2016

If you want more copies of the Paragraph Organizer, it is linked HERE.  Make your own copy to put your info into it!

Hi everyone,
Today we tag-teamed in English and Social Studies to help you with this essay.  You had the opportunity to work on your essay intros with Mr. Zakian, and you had work time with me in class to develop your essays.

One of your assessments is on formatting and citations.  I am not going to go over MLA format with you in class, so I've attached a video about the basics of MLA if you have questions.  Please note, I want the body of the essay DOUBLE SPACED.  You can have a title if you want, but you don't have to - I do not care either way.

CITING SOURCES - if you do not use outside sources of your own choosing, you do not need to do a formal Works Cited page.  However, you DO need to cite your sources in the body of your essay.  Here is how you will do that:

[Name the source by its full title] Give the evidence [Follow with the document ID as (Doc ___)]

What it looks like:

According to the Cotton and Slavery - Production graph, there were 3,957,760 slaves in the United States in 1860 (Doc C).

As Frederick Douglass wrote in "Life of An American Slave," "Mr. Plummer was a miserable drunkard, a profane swearer, and a savage monster," (Doc I).

If you do your own research and quote the info you found, follow the same pattern - put the title of the source at the beginning, and put the general location where you found the source at the end of the sentence:

As the "Path to the Civil War" video states, the election of Abraham Lincoln was a major reason the South broke away from the Union (History.com).

If your source is a book and you name the title, put a page # in parentheses at the end:

As Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote in Uncle Tom's Cabin, "blah blah blah" (p 61).

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

ONE WEEK TO GO!! May 18, 2016

Hi everyone,
If you did not turn in your Topic Sentence/Thesis Generator today, please make sure you do that!

The essay is due NEXT WEDNESDAY, May 25th.
The topic is, What were the major causes of the Civil War?
The rubric is on line, look at the May 16th post for the link.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Essay Information! May 16 - 18, 2016

Hi everyone,
We are beginning our essay on causes of the Civil War, AND we are heading into testing, so this is going to get interesting....hang tight, and keep checking back here at the blog for updates and information.

Today in class, IF you were done with the Venn diagram assignment for today, you started gathering information and ideas for your essay.  If you did not finish the Venn diagram, you may need to do the info-gathering activity on your own.  Instructions are below:

1) Take the materials handed out in class today. Stack them by common ideas - all the papers in the stack should share a common idea or topic (not a common format).  Identify the common idea.  You can create a fourth "I don't know" or "not useful" stack if you want.

2) Put each common idea on the organizer, on the lines marked "Common Theme #___".

3) Go back to your first Common Theme.  Review the documents in your stack.  Develop your theme into a full sentence - how was this theme a cause of the Civil War?  Do this with all three themes. These sentences will be your topic sentences for your body paragraphs.

4) At the bottom of the page, draft a sentence that uses the phrase "causes of the Civil War" and refers to all three of your themes.  This will be your draft thesis statement.

ALL students in ALL classes must submit draft thesis statements to me on WEDNESDAY for approval!  MOST students (except those in the accelerated groups) must also submit draft topic sentences as well.


Friday, May 13, 2016

Bringing It All Together: May 13, 2016

Hi everyone,
Today in class, we started pulling together all the different topics we've been talking about to get an overview of the events that led to the Civil War.  If you were not in class today, you need to make sure to review what you have done and what we did in class, and get caught up so you walk in on Monday ready to rock and roll!

We quickly touched on a couple of social events to follow up the political and economic issues we've examined.  The three specific topics we touched on were the publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin, the Dred Scott Supreme Court decision, and John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry.  If you need a refresher, click the link to watch a great video!

If you got done with your assigned reading and post-reading activity that was given last week, you turned it in and got a 3-circle Venn diagram to begin.  Review the instructions under Homework.

If you did not get a copy of the handout about events before the Civil War, it is linked below.


Print off the 3-dimension Venn Diagram.  Label the three circles Economic, Political, and Social.  Use the Timeline Cards linked here (ONLY PAGES 8 - 11) and all other class activities and materials (abolition reading, map activity, economics station activities) to help you fill out the Venn Diagram, looking at underlying causes of the Civil War.

This needs to be THOROUGH, please!!!!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Frequently UNasked Questions: May 6, 2016 - May 13, 2016

I, for one, am relieved that we are FINALLY done with May the Fourth and Cinco de Mayo!  No more bad Star Wars jokes, and I can finally stop humming the sombrero song!!

Okay, down to business - not that you asked, and that is the theme of this blog post!  I am going to try to anticipate any and all questions you could POSSIBLY have about Social Studies for the next WEEK.  So here goes....

I missed one of the class lessons on politics and slavery (the map/chart classes).  What do I do?
Please meet with a friend who has both of those things done, OR check back here and I will post a PowerPoint with the presentation.  Catch up on the missing work, THEN complete the check-in questions and reflection (finish the pink sheet). Turn in the pink sheet to show me you got all this done. If you don't know what the pink sheet is, it is linked at the bottom of the page.

I didn't finish my Economics of Slavery station activity. What do I do?
I will leave the folders of materials with Mr. Wiggin.  When/if you have down time during Math or Science class, you can finish up your station activity.

I need to make up or finish my Westward Movement assessment.  What do I do?
Email me, and depending upon what you need to do, we will figure out an individual plan.

I didn't get a reading and handout to finish for Friday the 13th.  What do I do?
Run around in circles, screaming and panicking.

JUST KIDDING!  I was waiting to see if any of you would do that ;).

As usual, anything you need is attached as a file at the bottom of this post.  Print off what you need and do it.  Remember, you need to read the article and complete ONE of the post-reading activities THOROUGHLY.

I wanted to tell you that you are my most favoritest teacher EVER and I like you WAY more than I like any other Team 12 teacher!!!!
Awwww, that's so sweet of you to say that!  You're my favorite, too.

I didn't get a chance to sign up for Wellness Day.
Let me know ASAP and I will find out what we need to do.

I wasn't listening to you during the team meeting.  What are we doing?
I'm not answering that.  Ask your friends.

Complete the American Abolitionist Movement reading and ONE of the post-reading activities for next Friday, May 13th.  They are linked below.

American Abolitionist Movement

Thought Questions - Map Activity

National Expansion - Map Activity

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Reflections on Political Compromise: Cinco de Mayo, 2016

HOMEWORK:  Reflect upon the map and chart we created in class today, and write a statement about the following:

Why was it so hard, if not impossible, for the pro-slavery and anti-slavery sides to find a lasting compromise about the issue of slavery?

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Compromise in the 1800's: May 3, 2016

Hi everyone,
We started working on some of the political causes of the Civil War today in class.  We are doing an interactive lecture, so please pay attention and make sure you follow along in class!


Monday, May 2, 2016

Welcome Back! MAY 2, 2016

Welcome back! I'm sorry we don't have a nice spring day to greet you - but maybe that's a good way to get our heads back in the game, without sunshine and warm breezes to greet you!

Today in class, we spent some time getting organized.  I handed back assignments that were graded over break, and gave you grade reports for the quarter to date.  I also gave you a pep talk/word of warning about the remainder of the quarter - you need to stay on top of the work!  You will have LESS homework this quarter, but it is going to be MORE important in terms of being ready for major assessments and staying caught up in class.

HOMEWORK:  If you are not using your agenda book to write down daily assignments and due dates, you need to check the TEAM CALENDAR and the CLASS BLOG on a daily basis.  

You may complete or revise ANY of the following three assignments for TOMORROW.  The FINAL DUE DATE is TUESDAY BY 2:10.
  • Practice paragraph on Manifest Destiny
  • Formative Assessment paragraph on westward movement and industrialization
  • Extension option for Westward Movement assessment
  • The documents for the practice paragraph are linked under April 11th