Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Group Thinking: August 31, 2016

Hey everyone,
Today, all my classes except Per 7 set some expectations for how we behave in group work.  You did a great job demonstrating the expectations for what will and WON'T happen when we work in groups!

You got a handout of vocabulary terms associated with our first unit of study on historical thinking.  If you lose that handout or need a new copy, get one from me in class, or print the FIRST page of the handout linked below.  Be sure to keep track of these terms!!!

Historical Thinking Unit Vocabulary

HOMEWORK:  Scroll down to find the blog post about the Blog Check-In assignment.  Click on the link to the form and fill it out!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

In the Eye of the Beholder: August 30, 2016

Kandinsky, Composition VIII

Today in class, we talked about how it can be difficult for us living in modern times to know exactly what happened in our past.  We did an activity in class to show how we may struggle to understand what we are told, using this picture as our topic of discussion. I hope you had a good time trying to make sense of what your partner was telling you!

For homework, you are going to complete the handout "Group Work Analysis" - we will use this tomorrow to help us set expectations around how groups will function in our classroom throughout the year.  If you misplaced your handout, it's linked below.

Group Work Analysis

Monday, August 29, 2016

Team Forms If Needed

If you have lost or misplaced the welcome packet, here are the forms that need to be returned:

Parent Contact Information

CMS Recess Contract

If you want a copy of our contact information:

Contact Information

If you want a copy of the entire welcome packet, please contact Mrs. Siecke at

Any school forms (nurse, etc.) can be turned in to any team teacher.  Any subject-specific forms (such as the ones for gym or science labs) need to go to that teacher.

PHOTO DAY IS THURSDAY.  Please do not bring in school photo forms until Thursday - they are given directly to the photographer.  Geskus will have an online option for ordering photos available as well.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Welcome to 8th Grade!!! August 29, 2016

Hello everyone, and welcome to 8th Grade US History!  This is where you will find a brief description of what we do on a daily (or almost daily) basis, along with links to handouts, other websites, and additional information you may find useful.  Your first line of action whenever you are out, unsure of what to do, or in need of something should be to check this site!

I threw in this photo because I love what it has to say to us about history, sources, truth, and perceptions. We'll spend our first unit of study talking about what it means to study history and what historians have to watch for - and watch out for!  I hope over the course of this year, you will learn some things about this country we call home, gain deeper insight into yourself as a student and member of a community, and have some fun at some point along the way.

HOMEWORK:  Go home, take a deep breath, have a peaceful evening, and adjust to the reality of everyday life again.