Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Decisions, Decisions: September 30, 2014

Today, we continued our work with drawing conclusions and identifying questions from evidence.  Since we are working on this in class, I have a different assignment for you to do tonight.

HOMEWORK:  Tonight, you need to review the two short-answer questions from the quiz you took last week.  If you scored a THREE out of FIVE or lower on either question, you need to revise that question.  If you scored four out of five points and want to try to grab that last point, by all means, go for it!

  • Please make sure you write your answer in FULL sentences, not fragments or run-on sentences.  If your responses start with "Middle colonies because…" or "They had them because….", you probably need to rework that response!  
  • Please make sure that your response has at least TWO ideas (facts and information) from the book to show that you used it!
  • Please make sure that you CONNECT your ideas BACK to the question you're being asked to answer!  (In other words, just listing some facts doesn't prove you understand the question!)
  • You need to make a statement about what you're going to prove, give at least two supporting ideas, and then connect the ideas back to your statement.  That should take about four sentences.
For the SECOND question, you can support any of the three major regions as being most valuable, but you CAN'T say the Backcountry was the most valuable, because that region DID NOT TRADE WITH ENGLAND.

For the FIRST question, do not answer any of the following:
  • There were more slaves in the South because the South was the closest region to Africa.
  • There were more slaves in the South because they liked the hot weather.
  • There were more slaves in the South because the white people were lazy and didn't want to work.
If you have NOT taken the quiz yet, you need to make sure your chart is done for TOMORROW.  If you lost the chart, it is linked below.

Chart for book work (all of Ch 4)
The link to all the Chapter 4 sections is available on this post.

REMINDER:  If you want to take home a book for reference throughout the year, bring in a book cover (to show you will keep it covered!) and I will sign out a book to you.  Thanks!

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