There's the link to the homework for the next few nights. The instructions are right on the front page of the reading. I'm using this to introduce you to a skill, get you thinking about some content, but MOST importantly, to see how well and thoroughly you can follow basic directions!
You have two nights to do this assignment, so make sure you do both parts well. I strongly suggest that you do a little each night so it's not overwhelming!
Today in class, per 1 and 2 did some brainstorming games around the concept of colonies - we did this in per 5, 6, and 7 yesterday. Then they began the excitement of learning via video! Per 5, 6, and 7 examined the Mayflower Compact in class today. This is a primary source document that can tell us a lot about who came to the New World, why they came, and what challenges they faced once they got here. Tomorrow these classes will pick up with the video. Slowly but surely, we are getting back on track and soon all classes will be doing the same work (or at least, until we practice a fire drill or have an assembly!). During the video, you'll be capturing information about the early colonies in North America as part of your first unit of study. Do well and there won't be any weekend homework! Have a great evening!
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