Wednesday, September 10, 2014

There's Nothin' Like Discussion: September 10, 2014

Today in class, we used our learning to discuss the different sources we've examined, how they can help us to understand history more clearly, and the benefits and drawbacks of each kind of source.  I put you in groups and gave you control over your small group discussions, and I was pleased with how the vast majority of groups performed.  Of course there are a few of you who *might* want to think about staying a little bit more on task, or speaking up a little more forcefully, but we have all year to improve! ;)

HOMEWORK:  If you are all done with the three source assignments (text review, "New Look" analysis, and primary source readings and questions), you are free tonight!!!  If you need to finish the "New Look" analysis, you have until FRIDAY with no penalty.  The two other assignments WILL be considered late, unless there are special circumstances you need to tell me about.

If you were in my PERIOD 7 class today, many of you came to class without being ready for discussion.  Please make sure that you are using class time well when you have work you need to do!  If you were not in the room for discussion, you have an assignment you need to complete by Friday to get some credit for the class discussion today.  You got a handout with the questions on it, or you can choose ONE from the list below to answer FULLY in writing:

In terms of understanding the early colonies and their importance, rank order the sources – which one was most helpful?  Least helpful?  Make sure to compare your experience to your peers” – meaning, you may or may not all have the same views!

What are the relative strengths and weaknesses of each kind of source – meaning, what does each one do well, and what does each one not do well? 

What kinds of information can you get from each source?  (facts, perspectives, explanations, skill development, context?)

How are textbooks different from books like the “A New Look” series?

Compare the reasons why textbooks are written with the reasons why primary source documents (letters, diaries, autobiographies, etc.) are written. 

Which colony do you think you would choose to live in if you had to?  EXPLAIN your answer!

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