Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Only Constant is Change: September 24, 2014

Hey everyone!  I've made a few changes to the ole blog to try to make it easier for all of us to use it.  First, I changed the name - too many people have a hard time with my last name, and if you misspell it, then you don't get to this site.  So the name is now the same as the title:  If you can't remember the whole term, just do a Google search for "old things and dead people," and you should find me right away!

The other major change is that I am starting to use Dropbox to link my worksheets and such to this site. Google Drive is just too frustrating - if you try to click on the link, I have to give you permission to see it, and then I have to change the privacy settings to share it.  Now multiply that by however many students want to use the document, all of whom need individual permission, plus if I don't see your email then you don't get the document, and … well, let's just say it wasn't very convenient for ANY of us.  Let's see if shifting to Dropbox helps!

In the next few days, I'll also be showing you some other ways to get what you need, particularly after an absence.  We're about to launch into some heavy-duty thinking, so be ready!!!

I'm posting this as a test to see if Dropbox works.  Fingers crossed!

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